Xiring the early period of abdominal surgery V en the use of nonabsorbable ligatures was in V Tie. it was noted that these ligatures became en- c'suiated with plastic exudates and became more less adherent to the surrounding structures. It V i to avoid this state of affairs that absorable ma- tial was introduced and is now used almost ex- c sively. With absorbable ligatures it is Ordering Cialis Online Illegal now found ti t the ligature is rapidly invested in exudate from V ich the leucocytes by phagocytosis absorb the li iture in question, and that this exudate remains u il every vestige of the ligature is absorbed. If t! absorption is rapid the exudate soon disappears, ii he nature of the ligature makes absorption slow, t," exudates are equally slow to disappear, and if ti ligature or anv part is unabsorbable the exudates u iergo complete organization and remain perman- e These facts are beyond dispute for they are n ed when necessary to open the abdomen at var- i( ' stages following operations and at pdst Ordering Cialis Online Illegal mortem <\ minations. ' "his w il! be readily explained if one considers the c e analiigy between the leucocytosis and other in- rt imatory manifestations, which are associated with o ?r tissues, and the exudates and adhesions Ordering Cialis Online Illegal that o ir in inflammation of serous membranes. Both a caused by similar conditions such as irritation, ft ign bodies ; both have similar objects, that is to n St. isolate, or protect the system from further d lage or invasion. Thus allowing for variations o rritability of the various tissues, one sees slight b is of the skin and rough handling of the periton- a! 1 causing reaction, in the one case a slight local c< ^estion. in the other an exudation of lymph. One s( foreign bodies in the skin such as splinters or b- ets isolated on the one hand and ligatures en- c; -ulated on the other hand, and infection of the s\ or subcutaneous Ordering Cialis Online Illegal tissue results in pus formation ai ind which is a marked area of leucocytosis and ir tration. whereas in the peritonaeum the infected ai . is isolated by adhesions which wall off the pus t\ forms Ordering Cialis Online Illegal in this locality and protects the general pi toneal cavity from invasion. If these similar frf lomena occur as result of similar conditions and w 1 similar object and are the result of the same pi siologica] processes such as capillary dilatation. le ocytofis. etc.. it is only reasonable to assume ti they would disappear under similar conditions. under aseptic conditions one was to bury an al Tbahle body in the tissues, this body would lie Ti dly invented as a result of irritation, encapsula- ta in wmi'.d invariably result, and as long as that b( .• remained in the tissues the fibrous investment w id remain. If now, after a reasonable time that b« V were to be removed absorption of the fibrous cs ule would take place. If one buries some slowly ai 'rbable body the same capsulation takes place, bi in thi« case the latter disappears once the pro- ot of absorption is complete. Thus, it is observed 'h when the invader is disposed of the inflamma- '0 reaction and its results disappear whereas when th| invader cannot be disposed of. as for example » illet in muscular tissue or an unabsorbable liga- '1 in the peritonaeum, the exudation organizes and - permanent. Xow if this analogy still holds le lihonld look for pelvic adhesions to disap- pear only when the irritant, be it active bacteria, Ordering Cialis Online Illegal sterile pus, or ligature, is absorbed or removed, and inversely the very presence of adhesions would in- dicate that the original irritant in some form or other, perhaps by this time perfectly benign but as yet unabsorbed, were still present. In order to Ordering Cialis Online Illegal apply this theory to pelvic inflamma- tory disease it is desirable to classify these cases ac- cording to their clinical manifestations. Speaking generally, septic endometritis takes on two forms ; either a salpingitis results as is usually Ordering Cialis Online Illegal seen in the gonococci infections or a lymphangeitis results from the spread of the infection in the case of the patho- genic bacteria. In either case, in anticipation of inva- sion of the peritoneal cavity, there occurs an effu- sion of lymph which rapidly organizes into delicate adhesions so that in the pyogenic type of infection the uterus, tubes, ovaries, and other pelvic contents are soon involved in a mass of adhesions, whereas in the gonorrhoeal form the fimbriated ends are sealed by the same process. This is purely a defensive process designed to protect the periton.-eum from general infection, and has associated with it other phenomena such as intestinal paralysis, which puts the parts at rest and favors the formation Ordering Cialis Online Illegal of ad- hesions, and tyinpanites which by choking the i)el- vis forces the various pelvic contents into close con- tact thus limiting the spread of the infection. How- ever, all Ordering Cialis Online Illegal acute infections of the endometrium by no means lead to peritoneal infection, on the contrary, many cases subside without further damage in which case the peritoneal adhesions created by na- ture in anticipation of germ invasion being of no further use are absorbed. E.xamples of this are seen in everv case of acute puerperal infection which undergoes spontaneous cure without abscess forma- tions. On the other hand in the more severe cases more or less peritoneal or tubal Ordering Cialis Online Illegal involvement does take place and almost invariably results Ordering Cialis Online Illegal in pus for- mation, and while in these later cases the original uterine infection may clear up and all active inflam- matorv manifestations subside and w-hile the bac- teria in the pus cavity may have spent themselves and died, and the pus be sterile — yet as long as that pus or any remnant of it remains the adhesions will remain. In a case of this kind the pus acts in a manner similar to a nonabsorbable ligature or bul- let ; that is as a benign foreign body. In the early days of abdominal surgery when drainage was the rule, it often was observed that sinuses persisted until the discharge of a ligature took place when the sinus would close. Obviously in these cases Nature Ordering Cialis Online Illegal maintained Ordering Cialis Online Illegal the sinuses for the purpose of ridding herself of these foreign bodies, since she closes it promptly once her object is ac- complished. Again it is observed in the cases of abscess that there is a tendency toward opening to the surface, which opening once secured the condi- tion rapidly undergoes complete cure and all inflam- matory manifestations disappear. It would, there- fore, appear that if we can create and maintain ade- quate drainage in these cases of pelvic inflammatory disease the abscesses and their associated adhesions will also disappear. Clinically, this is exactly what occurs.